Starting Out

Does the Uni need to be charged before turning it on?

Nope! You can go ahead and turn the Tamagotchi Uni on by holding down the middle button until it activates. It will not charge if you plug it in before activating it.

Can I change the language/region/nickname after I set it?

You can only change your nickname and birthday. If you want to change your region and language, you'll need to fully reset the device. Be careful as fully resetting will erase all your progress!

What does choosing the Region affect?

What region you choose will be displayed in your profile under the area section. It also affects what region specific items, accessories, and rooms will show up at the Tama Mall. For example, if your region is set to Oceania you can get a Koala Hat accessory, Boomerang toy, Jellyfish Lamp furniture, and Underwater themed room at the Tama Mall.

Can the Uni be turned off?

There is currently no way for the Uni to be fully turned off like the Tamagotchi Smart. People have messaged Bandai and they have responded that there's no function to shut it off. If you need to put the Uni away for an extended period of time, you will need to wait until the battery is low and it displays the low battery screen. Once it's on that screen, the Uni is paused. Charge the Uni for 2 hours (so the battery doesn't completely die while stored) and then put it away. When you are ready to play it again, hold down the middle button.

Tamagotchi Growth

What counts as a care mistake?

A care mistake is when your Tamagotchi calls out for your attention when their needs are down and you ignore it. To make a care mistake, follow these steps:

Are care mistakes cumulative?

Yes, they are cumulative between the child and teen stage. For example, if you make 2 care mistakes with Welcotchi and make 1 care mistake with Kuriritchi you would get Weeptchi (who is obtained with 3 care mistakes).

I want to get Hypertchi/Bubbletchi. What does the 5th generation requirement mean?